

Micronutrient Advantage with Max-in™ Technology

MAX-IN products are foliar applied micronutrients that supply source nutrients that are vital for plant health and growth. MAX-IN products contain MAX-IN technology to greatly increase the movement of micronutrients through the leaf cuticle and into internal structures.

MAX-IN ZMB Results

MAX-IN® Ultra ZMB®

MAX-IN® Ultra ZMB® combines zinc, manganese and boron into one convenient and effective foliar micronutrient product. MAX-IN® products contain CornSorb® technology to greatly increase the movement of micronutrients through the leaf cuticle and into internal structures.

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MAX-IN® Flexi Mn

A liquid foliar manganese product specifically designed for applications of 2,4-D and dicamba on new herbicide-tolerant soybeans, MAX-IN® Flexi Mn helps maintain proper tank mix pH and does not increase driftable fines.

MAX-IN Flexi MN Results

MAX-IN™ for Beans

MAX-IN for Beans is an effective foliar-applied source of boron, iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc for increased bean plant strength and production. MAX-IN for Beans contains MAX-IN technology to greatly increase the movement of micronutrients through the leaf cuticle and into internal structures.


Apply exactly what your crop needs, when it needs it.

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